
About the project
Patterns was approached to create a prototype of a visual novel game to test a market hypothesis.
It was necessary to test the market hypothesis about the popularity of such a game genre in a short time and with limited resources and understand the profitability of the development.
The main challenges were related to the visual component: how to make a lively, dynamic picture that conveys the atmosphere of the narrative.
The requirements for the data structures describing the storyline of the narrative were put forward in such a way as to create non-linearity and, by involving the player in the game choice, receive the corresponding consequences as the plot progresses.
Given the time constraints for solving visual problems, it was decided to use 2D graphics with an additional layer of normal maps to be able to work out dynamic lighting, as well as the effect of changing the time of day in the game. All characters together with normal maps were animated using the Spine tool.
An additional immersion effect was created by high-quality work with cameras and their movement.
The game turned out to be very picturesque and atmospheric with a non-linear plot, but unfortunately did not confirm the market hypothesis.